Friday, February 6, 2009

Japanese Opera - Kabuki

If you like stage performance like opera, there is an internationally well known, a Japanese traditional stage art, called "kabuki" which is not to miss when you are in Tokyo.   
Check out performances available at:

This official website of the biggest kabuki theather in Tokyo, Kabuki-za, has an English site that gives information on opera, the story, performance time and ticket price.

... i love watching kabuki for the acting is very unique, the costumes are georgeous, and its beautiful music of shamisen ....

... the performance brings you closer to the old Japan era you rarely see today and  a virbant energy of its culture and tradition...

... the only problem you may have is that you need to purchase tickets in advance, because popular shows are quickly sold out and kabuki is very popular among the local people here...

... for a good seat and sight of the opera, you need to spend about 12,000 Yen and reserve a good seat...

... do not worry about translation because the theatre provides a free headphone set giving simultaneous English translation throughout the show...

... make sure you read the story first before selecting which shows you want to see, some shows are light and humorous while others may be a non fiction... 

To get a better feeling of the kabuki atmosphere and its tradtion, the homepage below takes you to a complete set of photos of the theatre (inside and out) with great details.

You can purchase ticket through: 
Customer Service at your Hotel or visit any major department store and check with the Customer Service Counter

Also available online at some convenient stores.

Also check out English website on Kabuki:

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