Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not To Miss Out

When you arrive at Narita Airport:
* Visit JR East Tavel Service Center
Here you can book the best and most reasonable tour and direction from the expert, such as if you
 want to visit Mt. Fuji, the Imperial Palace, Kyoto Day Trip, travelling around Tokyo with a cheap day pass, make reservation for Hotels, Shinkansen, etc.

* Mobile Phone Rental Service Center (Just across the JR East Travel Service Center)

Please double check if your mobile phone system works in Japan, otherwise you may like to rent a Japanese latest mobile phone with an audio/TV recording system, all Japanese TV channels online, Internet connection, video & photo capture, wide screen ; check out the latest technology in mobile phone.

When you arrive at a department store, visit Underground level for food and beverages:

*Japanese pickles - various color of vegetables  
*Japanese lunch boxes (bento)

My favorite is to spend time at the 
Art & Lifestyle or Home ware/ Kitchenware section, usually on the upper floor, where you can find Japanese traditional goods, such as "urushi" (Japan), ceramics (Noritake, etc.), Japanese seasonal decorations, such as the Hina dolls (only displayed during February-March), Kabuto, etc.

600 Years Old Cherry Tree

In Oku-Chichibu, a local station just about an hour and a half away from central Tokyo, you can visit a temple where they keep a 600 years old cherry tree.   At this time of the year, from late March to early April, many local Japanese would go and visit this temple to witness a natural treasure.

This tree is 15 metres height and the trunk is 3 metres in width.    It stands strong in all weather for the past 600 years - a really amazing view.   Today, hundreds of Japanese went to visit and take picture of the cherry blossoms of this tree - a beautiful sight indeed.   

At night there will be light ups around the tree so that people can enjoy a different sight of this "shidare" sakura.

Warning For Those With Hay Fever

Hi Friends,

Just a note to let you know that some of you who suffer from hayfever (like me) should be aware that Japan has mountaints full of cedar trees that create countless pollen every year, especially in spring.   For you visiting Japan, you may like to avoid March-April period or get an anti pollen mask at the airport when you arrive.

Having said that there are apparently various types of hayfever, yours may not be caused by cedar pollens.    March-April period is in fact the best time to visit Japan if you love flowers, especially if you would like to see the cherry blossoms.

Get your medication ready if you like to enjoy Spring time here.   

Also, have you heard of what we call here "the sakura zensen map" : it is a yearly updated map informing very accurately the best date when you can enjoy cherry blossoms anywhere in Japan.

When you arrive at the airport, go to the JR Information Center and ask for "the sakura zensen map".    Japanese travellers use this map to plan their trip around Japan - especially to get the best shot of cherry blossoms ... yes, here travelling throughout Japan chasing the cherry blossoms is common for the retired, a healthy way to kill time and enjoy nature, i guess.