Saturday, January 8, 2011
Favorite Shots From Singapore, Jakarta & Puncak
Thursday, October 21, 2010
International Airports In Japan
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Scenic Photos of Kyushu

Scenic Photos of Kyushu - Kumamoto Prefecture

Scenic Photos of Kyushu - Oita Prefecture

Scenery of Kyushu
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Okinawa In Winter
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Does Travel Manners Matter To You?
The world largest online travel company, Expedia, conducted a research at hotels in various countries, interviewing hotel staff and managers about how they rate travelers from different countries. The research was conducted last year among 4500 people working at hotels, in 27 different countries. They were asked to rate travelers in terms of 9 elements among which are attitude, behavior/manners and generosity (in tipping).
Top 5 nationalities on overall score are Japanese, English, Canadians, Dutch and Swiss. The most surprising result was that the French was rated the second worst in terms of manners and attitude and the worst in terms of generosity. Spanish and Greek were also rated poorly on overall evaluation.
I found the results unbelievable, since i am actually quite fond of its art, culture and history. It is rather difficult to comprehend why, France being recognized by many as a first class country in terms of art and culture, but the French can be considered the worst in manners and attitude as travelers. Doesn't culture and history of a country influence people's attitude and behavior? Or perhaps too much pride in oneself bring a negative effect in one's attitude and behavior towards others? (... this sounds rather familiar, perhaps, in our life :)
And finally, perhaps for a fair view, the research should also have been conducted among travelers - how do other international travelers view the French attitude and behavior in general?
I hope this can be a good input for us travelers.